
Saint Nicholas of Myra - The sixth door

Saint Nicholas Day!
Of course I have told you of our tradition of this day before - here I wrote about the legend of the bishop Nicholas of Myra, and here I have talked about chocolate Saint Nicks that often end up in shoes on December 6 over here (actually even I still get some each year!).

So this year I can concentrate fully on the crafty side today.
No shoe, no good ole St. Nick, no, I am giving you an actual bishop!
It's not a full one, though, because that would have taken me too long and I wouldn't have had enough bugles which I only used because they happened to be in the box next to me while I would have had to get up to fetch the seed beads, and that was completely out of the question because of the cat sleeping on my legs *taking a deep breath*

I see our bishop's little flaws - the very high mitre and the big amice (but hey, maybe he had a neck and shoulders like a bodybuilder? ;-)) - but all in all, I'm fine with how he turned out, and look, I haven't even forgotten his crosier!


  1. He is adorable! And I quite like the bugles, so I’m glad you were held in place by a cat.


    1. Thank you!
      I wasn't sure about them at first, but I think they give the mitra the right "direction". The sparkliest bishop ever, lol!
