
Mitten - The fifteenth door

Mittens have been around for a very long time, for centuries if not millennia.
Have you ever wondered how many mittens may have get lost over that time? They are so easy to lose!
I can't say how often I have seen a single mitten on the spike of a metal fence, on a ledge, on a post, patiently waiting for its significant other to come back. A single mitten looks very lonely.

My mitten also seems to have lost its mate, how sad. It will have to wait if the second one turns up somehow, but I doubt it.

I bead embroidered it in stripes of different colors to make it look as if it were made from leftover yarn. There are childhood memories coming up when looking at this, I can tell you!


  1. Awww, that's very sweet and I love those colorful stripes. I think there must be a place where single mittens go to hang out with other single mittens and it must be a very colorful place indeed! Dawn

    1. Thank you!
      Can you imagine them all hopping around there? :-D

  2. Ha! I keep reading these out of order. Something about the way my blog tracker works. I will eventually read them all. Anyway, I digress.

    What a perfect little mitten! Just like grandma would knit or crochet. In fact I had a grandmother that did crochet mittens for me. I had forgotten about that until now.


    1. I'm glad you read them at all! :-D
      Now that you mention it, I can't remember any of my grandmothers knitting or crocheted at all. Maybe just not anymore when I was there? I'll have to ask my older siblings.

    2. I had grandmother that crocheted, and one that knitted and quilted. And a great grandmother and great aunt who quilted. They were all very inspiring.

