It's New Year's Eve. Time for fireworks, champagne, resolutions, party, dancing .... or sleep.
Yes, it's true. The last years I celebrated New Year's Eve when I felt like it. Or I didn't. I went to bed early or I stayed up and read, played a game, watched a DVD while crocheting. Or once I tried to find the way home through the thickest fog I have ever seen in our town.
Am I a spoilsport? I don't think so.
What my plans for tonight are, you are asking? I'm pretty sure I will watch "Dinner for One" at least once, it's a New Year's Eve tradition. After that - time will tell, I don't know yet.

What I do know, though, is that I wish you a great day. Party into the night, dance, sing, but please take care of yourself (and your pets, should you have them!!).
And now let's get ready for a hopefully grand New Year!