
The twenty-eighth door

Only three more days, then it will be New Year's Eve.
You can never start early enough on your resolutions for the new year. If you are still game to make any, that is. I pretty much gave up on them.

It feels like a diet that starts tomorrow or on Monday - or in the new year. I will set up goals for my business, I will save money, I will lose weight, I will eat healthier, I will answer all my e-mails on the same day, I will get up with a smile in the mornings ... and maybe I'll save the world.

Well, I will try to go one step at a time. And if it doesn't work out, I won't beat myself up about it. If I stumble, I'll get up again.
This is all I can, want and will promise. After all we are all human.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Cat - I've given up on the N.Y. resolution circus - I set myself ongoing reachable goals throughout the year instead.
