
Busy, busy, busy or The fifteenth door

WIPs, WIPs, WIPs. Busy, but in a good way. While there's paint getting splashed all over the walls in the bunny room, I sit and loom. Of course I have a hard time getting up afterwards. I'm an old lady and my back is still not 100 % ok after I threw it out. I should take more breaks and lie down in between, but I'm busy, you know *tearing at my hair*

The cats love it, they are taking turns in staying on my lap.
Wanna see one of my pieces? No, it's not a zombie with a dead stare in his eyes, you would have to see the whole piece to recognize it, but I can't take chances as it's a Christmas gift.

I just wanted to show that I'm alive, not kicking much, but not just slouching about, either ;-)


  1. how exciting.
    my guess is it's something female and pretty - but I could always be wrong.

    1. The full picture is here now https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/309376_10151595959052786_1629375372_n.jpg

      It was an interesting experiment as I made the pattern myself without transferring the picture I used to help!
