Today Ponder was the one. He had been like a little child all afternoon. "Play with me." "I'm hungry." "I want to snuggle." So finally we went into the library together. I started taking pictures, but then I found a waxed thread necklace I had broken and we settled in for a nice game of string instead.
I know it must seem as if I neglect the others, but Ponder is really the one who lets me take pictures easily while the others do funny stuff right up to the moment I get the camera out - then they freeze.
So here's our story.
"Throw, Mom! I promise I won't use my claws!"

Yeah. Right.

Ouch! I was too slow. When will I learn??

"That was fun, but I think I hear something."

Muffled sound: "There is something here under Roosevelt. Give me a moment." (Roosevelt is the bear's name. He has been with us since 1988 and he has seen a lot!)

"Aaaaalmost got it."

"Roosevelt, what do you think? Looks yummy?" (Enlarge the picture to see the delicious meal.)

Happy sigh. "I love dessert. Roosevelt, a back massage would be nice now!"

After stuffing his face like that, he's in the chair behind me now, peacefully sleeping.
And I can hear a snore from under the desk ... Greebo's favorite place ...
P.S. Ehm, I do know that Ponder doesn't speak, by the way, at least not the human language ;-)
Lol! Loved it! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteAww, good kitty for catching the nasty spidey!
ReplyDeletePonder is so gorgeous - and I bet you got his dialogue spot on!
Cute cat & story!