
Christmas in Thailand - The twelfth door

I have never been in Thailand myself, but I have a special correspondent there at the moment. Please welcome my friend Dawn from Jewelry Art by Dawn who spent time in Thailand last year including Christmas and does again this year (please click the link to check out her blog for both great jewelry and a travel diary!).

These are the pictures of Christmas trees and decoration Dawn shot last year.
"Approximately 90 percent of the Thai people are Buddhists and don't celebrate Christmas which is a Christian holiday.  However, they like some of the holiday traditions such as decorations, Christmas carols and Santa hats.  I can't help thinking that part of the reason for the holiday cheer is for the benefit of the Westerners who live in or who are vacationing in Thailand."

By now you probably know that I couldn't leave it at that, but had to dig a little more.
Others confirmed what Dawn said. Thai like to celebrate when they get a chance, so why not celebrate Christmas? Why not put up colorful artificial trees? Why not put Santa hats on elephant statues or the miniature spirit houses? Why not be creative and just share the Christmas joy by coming together with the family and have a lovely meal, even if it's not turkey?
Indeed, why not?
I don't think I have said it before, but I am not a religious person myself and still I enjoy the Christmas mood, the carols, the lights and being with my family. I don't know if it's because I grew up that way or if it's just something inside me. Who knows, I might enjoy celebrating Christmas in Thailand, too.

Thank you, Dawn, for sharing your pictures with us!

Please also check out the links below for more pictures and details.



  1. I remember the gorgeous pictures from Dawn from last year and can't wait to see them all from this years trip.

  2. What a great peak into a Thai Christmas. Like Carina, I look forward to Dawn's pictures this year.

  3. Any excuse for a celebration! what a great philosophy.

  4. The Thai people do love to celebrate. It was the Thai King's birthday a few days ago which was cause for much celebration. These are the nicest, friendliest people - just love the Thais.

    Thank you so much for sharing the Christmas tree photos and the link to my blog with your readers, Cat!

  5. Came back to say how much I enjoyed the links you provided, Cat. Fun reads!
