
Birthday sale - 15 % off selected items!

Yes, it's my birthday this week and it will be a "Schnapszahl" as we Germans say, meaning both digits (didn't make it to three with my age yet ;-)) are the same. Usually that means the next round of drinks would be on me, but it's hard and not really fun to drink virtually.
In some countries the birthday "child" gives presents to her/his guests instead of the other way round.
I can't hand out presents around the globe, what I can do, though, is offer a markdown on some of my items in all of my shops. Yup, on Etsy, ArtFire and DaWanda. 15 % down on selected items, go and check it out!

And if any of you would like to drop me a piece of cake, just go ahead. At least the virtual kind is going to be calorie-free ;-)

Oh, forgot to say - this sale is not just for the one big day, but for the whole week from the 22nd of June through the 28th!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh cat you are so generous. What a lovely present for us all. Happy birthday in advance for Wednesday
