
Summer, sun, sun flower

When our challenge mistress from the Jewelry Artisans Community chose sunflowers for our new challenge, my reaction was that I was all "sunflowered out" because I had made several in the years before.

And then, in a sudden burst of productivity and supported by the 80s charm of Richard Carpenter's "Robin of Sherwood" for background noise, I started making a pair of earrings.
Don't get excited, this is just another example of two earrings magically turning into one pendant.

I bead embroidered the two centers first. How could I not notice that added petals would make these into very large earrings?
Well, actually I did notice and still decided to keep going. I have always been a fan of wearing big, fun earrings myself.

After starting on the happy yellow petals - I really remembered my childhood love for yellow again these days - it quickly became clear to me, however, that I would not be pulling this through. So many petals! One row of brick stitch petals, a slightly smaller one in herringbone stitch and a third small one as an edging for the center took me much longer than I had anticipated, like so often.
Just thinking of having to do this a second time made me revise the earring idea.

One hidden bail and a cute little lampwork bee later ... tadaaa.


  1. Totally adorable! It’s amazing to me how fast you work. I get to a point in a design and have to stop, revise, think it over for a day or two. And then there is the beading itself. I am slow. This is such a sweet summer pendant. I have an idea for this challenge, but I don’t know if I can pull it off.


    1. Thank you, Michelle!
      Revising is for the weak! No, I'm really just kidding, honestly!
      I don't think I'm very fast, but if I have an image in my mind, I can get obsessive and not take breaks. The household is no priority, and if the cats don't need me - for example because they sleep a lot in this hot weather - I'm quite happy with my background noise (that's why I mentioned it) and my beads.
      Then there are the projects that are constantly in danger of becoming part of my infamous WIP drawer contents. If the break is too long, chances are that it's the end of a design, and I try to avoid that if possible.
