
10 on the 10th - Irrational things

10 things I would do that are just a little or a lot irrational.
Marsha from Marsha in the Middle's choice of this topic was inspired by Pi Day which has officially been celebrated since 1988. Pi is an irrational number.
I asked if that meant things I would want to do or things I did in the past and got the permission to choose whatever I felt like.

What is irrational in humans, though?
The Cambridge Dictionary tells me that "irrational" means "not using reason or clear thinking".
It's a stereotype that women tend to be emotional and irrational while men are logical and rational. Being in customer service for decades, that's not a stereotype I can subscribe to myself. From my experience, there are often just different words used for the same behavior. Women are emotional and irrational about a topic, if men behave  the same, they are for example called passionate.

You can tell that I'm already thinking about this too much, typical for me. Just keep in mind that irrational may be relative, but yeah, some of my 10 may surprise you.

1. No one has asked me yet which is a darn shame, but I would totally join a search party for Nessie if the boat isn't too small, not because I'm afraid Nessie would knock it over, but because I'm claustrophobic.
It would be harder to join one for Bigfoot because I don't see myself hiking through the woods anymore.
I think the reason for this is obvious - to speak with Fox Mulder, I want to believe.

2. Anthropomorphizing - giving feelings and/or talking to inanimate objects.
Yes, I do talk and sometimes even apologize to inanimate objects, but not with all of them or not all the time. It's actually not that unusual for people to do. I never felt the urge to marry my toaster, though - wait, I don't own a toaster - ok, my hand mixer although we have been together for 35 years.
The nice thing about them is that they don't talk back. Everyone likes a good listener.
In the picture is my teddy, ingeniously named Teddy by me. I got him for my birth although I have no active memory of that, and I was without him only once (except for vactions for which I shamelessly left him alone at home) when the very young daughter of a friend of my father's fell in love with the "talking bear" and my mother lent it to her for the weekend without asking me. I was about seven and devastated. That changed to outrage when he was returned in a plastic bag and standing on his head. The indignity! I had very strong opinions even at that age.

3. This is Hannah. She was my employee of the month in October 2020 helping me to tackle the hardest part of one side of my beaded HeatherCat shoes. She was also the only needle to ever get a name and blog feature from me. If persistence had a shape, this would be it.
I also thank broken needles for their commitment although I don't put them in tofu or konnyaku. Confused? Look up Hari-Kuy
ō and you'll understand.

4. My bookmarks and the icons in my taskbar have to be in a certain order. If they aren't, something terrible will be happening. Or maybe not, but I need my order, so I can hit them blindly, more or less.
It's hard enough that I haven't learned completely yet how to use my new TV remote control blindly. Who needs that many buttons?

5. I can't stand hearing people eat loudly, but I'm absolutely fine with animals doing it. A big favorite of mine at the zoo were the porcupines even if they weren't as talkative as Teddy (not my Teddy).
Snoring can drive me nuts - unless it's my cats. So cute.

6. I haven't worn a wristwatch for years now, but when I still did, it was always set to California time ever since I visited there for the first time. At first, it was just to keep the vacation feeling a bit longer when we were back home and then it just stayed.
It confused the heck out of people, for example the watchmakers who put new batteries in. I remember one time when one of them said "oh, let me set it, that's the wrong time" and my sister just shook her head at him lightly indicating to leave it

7. If I buy my favorite tortilla chips (nacho cheese) or peanut flips (a German snack you may not know), they have to be on sale, but even then I don't buy them every time because they are very dangerous to have around.
I eat them using chopsticks because I hate having the powder on my fingers. Although I'm very much right-handed which was very tough when I had a cat bite, I'm better at doing that with my left hand.
Wait, is that even irrational?

8. I know a lot of people feel the same way about this one. It's the reason for the site called "Does the dog die?" although that has all kinds of trigger warnings now. We can watch a thriller, mystery or maybe even horror movie, but insist they stay away from the animals. I have DNF'ed books that I knew to have monsters, but I was tired of yet another dog getting killed (yes, Preston and Child, I'm looking at you, do you have a personal problem with dogs?).

9. No elevators for me. As mentioned, I'm claustrophobic and it has got worse with age.
Elevators are the worst. It started when I got stuck twice at work - different buildings - since then every little hiccup made me extra nervous until I couldn't use them anymore at all.
I'm aware it's irrational, but panic is panic. You will also not find me visiting a cave anymore and I will probably never become a submarine captain. I'm still blaming Poe.

10. I love crafting sounds, a needle going through fabric, the little pop of beads settling between the warps on a bead loom, the clacking of knitting needles etc. They have something soothing for me.
I also love documentaries about crafts, and sometimes when I craft, I pretend to be in such a documentary and play through in my head how I would explain what I'm doing right now.

now you know the complete horrible truth about me (you don't, but we can pretend you do)!
But hey, I got an extra for you, rebel that I am.

11. As a child, someone told me that a vampire was living in the space underneath our cellar stairs, well, or rather not living. I must have been about five or so at the time, and I swear hearing the lid of the coffin shut more than once. You could see through the steps of the cellar stairs and while I was too scared to look into that space, I was deeply convinced that the vampire would reach out and grab me if I went down there.
Although I eventually didn't believe the story anymore, I never lost that weird feeling on those stairs.

There you go, now you really know everything.

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