
The Sun Never Sets

Welcome back to the "Winter of Fairbanks Jr." with Lisa from Boondock Ramblings.

Today's title says it all. "The Sun Never Sets" - yes, we are back with the British Empire, this time the Colonial Office, a government department of the Kingdom, which was responsible for much of Britain's Imperial territories.

The Randolph family have a long tradition of working in colonial service.
Grandfather Randolph has a big map full of little flags for each Randolph doing their duty in one of the colonies. If one of them is transferred, he moves the flag, if one of them dies, the flag gets "buried" in a little chest.

Clive (Basil Rathbone) and his wife Helen have just come home from a mission in the Gold Coast (present-day Ghana).
At a family gathering, his younger brother John (Douglas Fairbanks jr.) declares that he doesn't intend to join the service and moving from one mission to the next. His family is not only sure that he will change his mind, they are just as surprised that Phyllis, whom he's in love with, supports him in this.
Then, however, his grandfather persuades him to give it a try at least, Clive pokes him by saying he might not even be accepted, and suddenly Phyllis also changes her mind, so John decides to join and go to the Gold Coast after all, but without her as he has to find out by himself what he really wants.

Via Internet Archive

Surprisingly, Clive has to go with him, tasked with finding out where mysterious broadcasts keep coming from that spread throughout the world and cause much distress.
A suspect is Doctor Zurof, a scientist claiming to research ants, but who has secretly set up a radio station plotting to plunge the world into war in order to then profit from selling the molybdenum from the mine where the station is and to take over the world.
The pregnant Helen has accompanied Clive although she is not happy about going back.
Just when she's in critical condition, Clive gets called away by an urgent message with a secret code although John doesn't understand how he can go in this situation. So, when Doctor Zurof turns up, he manages to trick John into calling Clive back to keep him from discovering his secret station. Clive expects there to be an important message, instead he is told the baby has died. He knows he has failed and will be losing his job with the service. The shame! He and Helen go back home, and John stays behind.

The broadcasts keep stirring up the world, but John doesn't know what to do when another urgent message arrives.
Phyllis turns up and although he doesn't want her to stay at first, they finally get married.
They get the orderly drunk, the only way for him to remember all the messages, this way they find out about the important one which makes clear what Zurof is up to.
So, John pretends to be drunk to get access to the mine, from there he sends out a broadcast that only his family can understand.
Clive leads a bombing mission to the mine in which Zurof and his men get killed, but John survives. I just hope the native workers were fine.
In the end, both couples are welcomed at home by Mother Randolph and you see them standing in front of Granddad's map moving flags together. So glad they found their place in the family, their own and the colonial service ...

You may have deducted from the way I told the plot that I didn't like the movie.

Too many stiff upper lips, too much imperialism, too many brave and dutiful British men - and dutiful women standing behind them and their decisions.
All of them were packed into a strange plot. I have questions, here are just a few of them.
What were those mysterious broadcasts that they had such a quick effect on the whole world?
How exactly would Zurof have become a dictator by selling his molybdenum and how quickly?
When did Clive write that book about "the ant world" which made Zurof go "THAT Randolph."? I know this isn't the most important question, but if he joined the service as a baby ... okay, I'm exaggerating, but honestly, when did he find the time to become an expert on ants working his butt off for the service?
Why could no one convince Helen to stay at home?
How did John survive when Zurof and ALL of his men in the next room died on the spot without even moving? So glad the ant crawling across Zurof's forehead survived, very symbolic.

This was not a box office hit and people blamed one another or the beginning of the war for it.
It is said that C. Aubrey Smith, who (of course) played the grandfather, told Fairbanks jr. on the first day of shooting "Rotten title. It already has set."

As usual, some people think this is an amazing adventure film while others - me included - want their 1 1/2 hours back.
To speak with one reviewer "At least we get some quality mussed hair moments from Doug." Well spoken, THAT I can agree on.

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