
Oldies but Goodies - Fire

Matching this week's Zibbet finds, the topic for the Jewelry Artisans Community Oldies but Goodies Challenge was "Fire" as well.
This week felt as if someone had turned the thermostat up even more, really like fire for someone like me. I have been completely useless during the last few days and not been able to show you anything new - still working on the beaded shoes, though - but at least I have some fiery challenge pieces for you.

1 and 6 My Bijou Life
2 and 3 Jewelry Art by Dawn
4 and 5 Cat's Wire


  1. Wow, that is a striking, eye catching collection. Fiery is exactly the right word to describe it...I can't stop looking at all of this beautiful work!

    1. It is nice to look at now that it's cold! ;-)
