
Oldies but Goodies - Ethnic/Tribal

Ready for a new Oldies but Goodies Challenge at the Jewelry Artisans Community? This time it was about ethnic or tribal influence in our jewelry.
If you want to read more about the story of one or the other of the many pieces, you can find the whole thread here.

1 RioRita
2 Cat's Wire
3 Jewelry Art by Dawn
4 2 Fab Fristers
5 Loki's Links
6 Violetmoon's Corner
7 MC Stoneworks
8 The Crafty Chimp


  1. And again a great selection of artwork.
    Thanks again for sharing.

  2. Beautiful snapshot of the JAC Ethnic/Tribal Challenge pieces submitted.

    Thanks for creating the collage.

  3. This is a wonderful collage of Ethnic/Tribal jewelry. Thank you so much for including my earrings.

  4. Isn't it nice to see so many different styles?
    You are welcome!
